The Eternal Attack on Masculinity
Today, women have no need for the hardened, cattle-ranching cowboy type, so they are using social manipulation tactics to change the concept of masculinity to something that will serve them in today’s world. History has shown that women have always won the battle to define masculinity. Most socially-acceptable characteristics that would be considered masculine revolve around protecting and providing resources for women. It is not a far-fetched idea to imagine a caveman thousands of years ago being told by his female mate to go out and risk his life by hunting for a prehistoric game animal to kill so that his female mate could eat a tasty steak. Cavewomen probably did all they could to convince cavemen that masculinity meant that only men risked their lives on dangerous hunting expeditions while women stayed safely in the cave dwelling. Men are just as good at taking care of the children in the cave dwelling as women, so women had no legitimate reason to avoid the dangerous duty of hunting. I don’t think cavewomen ever said that they wanted to share the dangers of a prehistoric hunting expeditions or life-threatening combat against other people on an equal basis with the cavemen.
A man’s masculinity belongs to him, and it should be defined by a man based on his beliefs and values. Fighting the adult female social engineering pressure to reconfigure the conceptual structure of masculinity is needed, but first every guy needs to make sure he has a solid understanding of his own masculinity based on his own belief system and values. A man’s INDIVIDUAL concept of his own masculinity will then become a masculine fortress that can repel the GROUPTHINK, feminist, weaponized social pressure to impose a female-oriented idea of masculinity on him.