Centralized Tyranny in Canada
In the following video, Jordan Peterson and Brian Peckford discuss the tyranny imposed on the Canadian people by a handful of ruling elites that have used the Covid-19 pandemic as an excuse to impose authoritarian powers on the daily lives of sovereign individuals. It is history repeating itself again as it has for thousands of years.
The tyranny that is happening in Canada today happened thousands of years ago in ancient Kiengir (Sumer) and in ancient Cambodia whose tyranny is symbolized by the image above. Canada today, ancient Cambodia, and Kiengir all embraced the prehistoric idea of a human-herd based, centralized “sovereign government.” A handful of predatory ruling elites in Canada today, ancient Cambodia, and Kiengir claimed sovereignty over the land, labor, family relationships, freedom of movement, the media, organized religion, and every aspect of an individual’s life. The word “freedom” only has meaningful value if an individual has sovereignty over their own property, labor, wealth, children, freedom of movement and more. You do not have sovereignty over your own home if a predatory sovereign government can tax it with a property tax until the day that you die. You do not have sovereignty over your own labor if a predatory sovereign government can tax your paid labor with an income tax until the day that you die. In Canada today, Canadians do not have sovereignty over their own bank accounts because the Canadian government is freezing individual personal and business bank accounts of participants in the 2022 “Freedom Convoy.” The Canadian predatory government is also freezing the bank accounts of those who have contributed money to the Freedom Convoy.
Someday, mankind with leave behind the prehistoric idea of a “government” and design a civilization that is a decentralized, network-based configuration that returns sovereignty to individuals. As described in our book, “Beyond Gynocentrism: How to Succeed in a Gynocentric Civilization,” the human race still does not have the science or social technology to configure an advanced civilization that can safely and securely return sovereignty to each individual.
Video: Canadian Constitutional Crisis